Bundt Programmer's Guide · Bundt Programmer's Interface version


The Bundt Programmer's Interface is composed of a collection of Microsoft .NET component libraries that you can reference from your project. In this manner, you can develop your own software tools on top of Bundt, integrating it seamlessly with your application.

You can download the Bundt Programming Libraries and installation instructions from the downloads web page .

If you are not familiar with the Bundt Toolset, please refer to the Bundt User's Manual before continuing here.

Using .NET libraries

You can use the Bundt Programmer's Interface from any .NET application. The usual setup to do this includes:

All the above technologies and products are free to download and use.

You may be able to use the Bundt Programmer's Interface from non-.NET applications, but this usually involves third-party bridging technologies.

Sample code

Look at the following C# code snippet:

using Incipit.Bundt.ModellingEngine;

var tmo = ModelManager.CreateTypeModel("Test", VersionInfo.OneZeroZeroZero);
tmo.AddNewClass("Building", false);

This code creates a type model named Test, and then adds a Building class to it. Let's imagine we want an instance model as well:

using Incipit.Bundt.ModellingEngine;

var tmo = ModelManager.CreateTypeModel("Test", VersionInfo.OneZeroZeroZero);
var clBuilding = tmo.AddNewClass("Building", false);

var imo = ModelManager.CreateInstanceModel(tmo, "TestInstance", VersionInfo.OneZeroZeroZero);
imo.AddNewObject(clBuilding, "my_building");

This code creates a type model named Test, adds a Building class to it, and then creates an instance model named InstanceTest conforming to the type model. Then, it adds a Building object to the instance model with identifier my_building.


Through the Bundt Programmer's Interface you can do this and much more, including:

  • Create, load and save type and instance models.
  • Add, modify and delete model elements such as classes, attributes, associations, objects and links.
  • Validate, seal, unseal, extend and obtain statistics from your models.
  • Work with model aspects such as temporality, subjectivity and multilingualism.
  • Query instance models for the objects that you need.
  • Navigate your instance models by following the network of objects and links.
  • Import and export text-based data to/from instance models.
  • Write and run scripts that operate on your models.

Check out the Architecture section of this guide to find out how the Bundt Programmer's Interface is organised, or browse through the Reference section to learn the details of each class, property and method in the libraries.

Contents distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License · About · Terms of Use · Contact Us · last updated on 08 October 2020