Bundt Scripting Reference · Bundt Scripting Language version

Time data type

Since Bundt supports fuzzy date/times , you often need to express time values of varying resolution in scripting.

A time value is always expressed as a special string enclosed in single quotes.


'Century c'
'Decade s'
'Day/Month/Year Hour:Minute'
'Day/Month/Year Hour:Minute:Second'

Element Notes
Century Integer specifying the century as a number; for example, 17 indicates the 17th century.
Decade Integer specifying the decade as a base year; for example, 1980 indicates the decade of the 1980s.
Year Integer specifying the year.
Month Integer specifying the month, between 1 and 12.
Day Integer specifying the day, between 0 and the month maximum (28, 29, 30 or 31).
Hour Integer specifying the hour, between 0 and 23.
Minute Integer specifying the minute, between 0 and 59.
Second Integer specifying the second, between 0 and 59.


Intent Code
Write out a value for the 17th century write '17c';
Write out a value for the 1980s decade write '1980s';
Write out a value for the year 1972 write '1972';
Write out a value for June 1996 write '6/1996';
Write out a value for 15 September 2004 write '15/9/2004';
Write out a value for 21 Feburary 1718 at 21:16 write '21/2/1718 21:16';
Write out a value for 4 November 1804 at 11:18:37 write '4/11/1804 11:18:37';

See Also

  • n/a

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