Name |
Expression<Identifier> or Expression<Dictionary<Identifier>> |
Mandatory. |
Specifies the name of the new primary semi-association, either as an identifier or in multilingual dictionary format. |
Cardinality |
Cardinality |
Mandatory. |
Specifies the cardinality of the new primary semi-association. |
^ |
Optional. If omitted, the new primary semi-association is not made sorted. |
Specifies whether the new primary semi-association must be sorted. |
Role |
Expression<Identifier> or Expression<Dictionary<Identifier>> |
Optional. |
Specifies the role of the new primary semi-association, either as an identifier or in multilingual dictionary format. |
OppositeClass |
Class name |
Optional. If this is specified, then symmetric cannot be specified, and the inverse clause must be specified. |
Specifies the opposite class for the new primary semi-association. |
symmetric |
Optional. If this is specified, then OppositeClass and the inverse clause cannot be specified. |
Specifies whether the new association is symmetric. |
whole |
Optional. If omitted or preceded by ! , the new primary semi-association is not made whole. |
Specifies whether the new primary semi-association must be whole. |
strong |
Optional. If omitted or preceded by ! , the new primary semi-association is not made strong. |
Specifies whether the new primary semi-association must be strong. |
AspectList |
Marker list |
Optional. |
Specifies the aspects used by the the new primary semi-association. Accepted markers are S for subjective, K for constant, and T for temporal. |
Owner |
Class name |
Optional. If no owner is specified, the class in context will be used.
If no class is in context, an error occurs. |
Specifies the class that will own the new primary semi-association. |
InverseName |
Expression<Identifier> or Expression<Dictionary<Identifier>> |
Optional. |
Specifies the name of the new secondary semi-association, either as an identifier or in multilingual dictionary format. |
InverseCardinality |
Cardinality |
Optional. |
Specifies the cardinality of the new secondary semi-association. |
^ |
Optional. If omitted, the new secondary semi-association is not made sorted. |
Specifies whether the new secondary semi-association must be sorted. |
InverseRole |
Expression<Identifier> or Expression<Dictionary<Identifier>> |
Optional. |
Specifies the role of the new secondary semi-association, either as an identifier or in multilingual dictionary format. |
whole |
Optional. If omitted or preceded by ! , the new secondary semi-association is not made whole. |
Specifies whether the new secondary semi-association must be whole. |
strong |
Optional. If omitted or preceded by ! , the new secondary semi-association is not made strong. |
Specifies whether the new secondary semi-association must be strong. |
InverseAspectList |
Marker list |
Optional. |
Specifies the aspects used by the the new secondary semi-association. Accepted markers are S for subjective, K for constant, and T for temporal. |