Bundt User's Manual
Bundt Toolset version
Add New Data Value
dialog box
This dialog box lets you enter the necessary information to create a new data-typed value of an object in an instance model.
Object info box |
This shows the identifier and type of the object that will own the new value. |
Attribute info box |
This shows the name, cardinality and data type of the attribute that will act as type for the new value. |
Content text box |
Enter the content of the new value.
You can enter either a Base64 or hexadecimal text.
The "OK" icon at the bottom right will change to "Error" if the entered data cannot be interpreted.
Unknown check box |
Check this box to create a new value with unknown contents; leave it unchecked to specify the contents. |
Predication certainty dropdown list |
Select the certainty of predication for the new value, or "(none)" for unspecified. |
As soon as you click OK, ModelDesigner creates the new value.
See Also
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last updated on 08 October 2020