Source class dropdown list |
Select the class of the objects to be exported. As soon as you select a class, column mappings are inferred (see Infer below). |
Target file name text box |
Enter the file name where exported data will be written to. |
Browse button |
Allows you to browse for a target file name. |
Column mappings panel |
(list) list |
Displays the columns that will be exported into the target file. For each column, the mapped feature and a title are given. |
Add New button |
Shows the Add New Column Mapping dialog box to create a new column mapping. |
Infer button |
Automatically infers column mappings for the selected class. You can select whether you want column mappings for attributes, semi-associations, or all features. |
Delete button |
Deletes column mappings. You can select whether you want to delete only the selected column mapping or all column mappings for attributes, semi-associations, or all features. |
Move Up button |
Moves the selected column mapping up in the list. |
Move Down button |
Moves the selected column mapping down in the list. |
Properties button |
Shows the Column Mapping Properties dialog box to modify the selected column mapping. |
Options panel |
Use column headers check box |
Check this box to include column headers as a top row in the target file; leave it unchecked for no headers row. |
Use row object identifiers check box |
Check this box to include object identifiers as a leftmost column in the target file; leave it unchecked for no identifiers column. |
Use multilingual texts check box |
Check this box to include multilingual texts in the target file; leave it unchecked to use single default-language texts. |
Default perspective qualifier qualifier picker |
Pick a perspective qualifier to use as default when the source objects contain perspectives, or leave blank for unspecified. |
Default phase qualifier qualifier picker |
Pick a phase qualifier to use as default when the source objects contain phases, or leave blank for unspecified. |
Column separator combo box |
Select or enter the text to use as column separator. |
Value delimiter begin combo box |
Select or enter the text to use as begin delimiter for data values, or none for non-delimited values. |
Value delimiter end combo box |
Select or enter the text to use as end delimiter for data values, or none for non-delimited values. |
Collection separator combo box |
Select or enter the text to use as a separator within data values when these are composed of multiple contents. |
Language separator combo box |
Select or enter the text to use as a separator within data contents when these are multilingual. |