Key info box |
This shows the unique key of the object. |
Tags tag box |
This shows the tags associated to the object, and allows you to add or remove tags. |
Type info box |
This shows the name of the type class of the object. |
Identifier text box |
Enter the identifier of the object, using identifier syntax. |
Full/FQ name info box |
This shows the full name (identical to the fully-qualified name) of the object. |
Comments multilingual text box |
Enter the multilingual comments for the object. |
Existence certainty dropdown list |
Select the certainty of existence for the object, or "(none)" for unspecified. |
Existential qualifiers panel |
Subjective qualifier picker |
Pick an existential subjective qualifier for the object, or leave blank for unspecified. |
Temporal qualifier picker |
Pick an existential temporal qualifier for the object, or leave blank for unspecified. |
Facets panel |
Perspective dropdown list |
Select the perspective to use for the facets to display, or "(none)" for no perspective. |
Add New Perspective
Adds a new perspective to the object. |
Delete Perspective
Deletes the selected perspective from the object. |
Phase dropdown list |
Select the phase to use for the facets to display, or "(none)" for no phase. |
Add New Phase
Adds a new phase to the object. |
Delete Phase
Deletes the selected phase from the object. |
Combine Phase and Perspective
Combines the selected phase and perspective in the object. |
Delete Combined Phase and Perspective
Deletes the selected combined phase and perspective from the object. |
Values tab |
Values list |
This shows the values of the object for the selected phase and perspective, grouped by value set. |
Add New... button |
If a value set is selected in the list, shows an Add New Value dialog box to create a new value of the same value set.
If a value set is not selected, shows the Add New Value Set dialog box to create a new value set for the object.
Delete button |
Deletes the selected value set. |
Null button |
Sets the selected value set to null, deleting its values. |
Amend... button |
Shows a Value Properties dialog box to modify the selected value with amend semantics.
This is only available if the selected value set contains a single value.
Update... button |
Shows a Value Properties dialog box to modify the selected value with update semantics.
This is only available if the selected value set contains a single value.
Properties button |
Opens a Value Set property page to explore and modify the selected value set.
References tab |
References list |
This shows the references of the object for the selected phase and perspective, grouped by reference set. |
Add New... button |
Shows the Add New Link dialog box to create a new link from the object. |
Delete button |
Deletes all links for the selected reference set. |
Properties button |
Opens a Reference Set property page to explore and modify the selected reference set.
Go To button |
Opens a Object property page to explore and modify each of the opposite objects in the selected reference set.