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Book Information Modelling for Archaeology and Anthropology

The book "Information Modelling for Archaeology and Anthropology: Software Engineering Principles for Cultural Heritage" provides an introduction to conceptual modelling for cultural heritage specialists. No previous experience in expected, and the book takes the reader from the basic philosophical issues of modelling all the way to advanced topics such as subjetivity management, vagueness, model extension and database implementation.

The book is available from Springer's web site and the usual book stores. A Spanish-language version of the book is available from Amazon as well as most book stores. There is also a Kindle version available from Amazon.


  • Figure 16.4. The caption should read "Three object perspectives for object b, each with a different perspective selector and a different value for Status."
  • Figure 16.5. The caption should read "Two links labelled with perspective selectors, indicating their validity with regard to a group or person".
  • Page 161, second to last paragraph. The text "and holding a reference to building q" should be "and holding a reference to person q"
  • Page 163, second to last paragraph. The text "consider the Buliding.ConstructionDate attribute as constant" should be "consider the Buliding.ConstructionDate attribute as objective".
  • Page 165, second to last paragraph. The text "as in 81" should be "as in Figure 16.4".
  • Figure 16.10. The text "Quality: 1 enum QualityLevel" inside class MuseumCollection should read "Quality: 1 enum QualityLevel (S)".
  • Page 168, section "Modelling Subjectivity Without Aspects", first paragph. The text "the necessary time-related entities" should be "the necessary subjectivity-related entities".
  • Page 169, section "Combining Temporality and Subjectivity", first bullet point. The text "In your type model, create in your model" should be "In your type model, create".
  • Page 169, section "Combining Temporality and Subjectivity", third bullet point. The text "use combined temporal and subjective selectors" should be "use combined phase and perspective selectors".
  • Page 177, section "All Feature Kinds", first paragraph. The text "the collection of places referred to through t.IsNameOf would now be referred to as t.IsLocatedIn" should be "the collection of places referred to through t.IsLocatedIn would now be referred to as t.Designates".
  • Page 177, section "All Feature Kinds", first paragraph. The text "Since it doesn’t make sense to say that a phrase is located in a number of places, the renaming is unacceptable" should be "The places where something is are not exchangeable with the places that it designates, so the renaming is unacceptable".
  • Page 219, third paragraph. The text "depending on the main mode of understanding" should be "depending on their nature".
  • Page 259, fourth paragraph. The text "the third kind of performative entity is given by" should be "the third kind of manifestation is given by".
  • Page 271, last paragraph. The text "There is a single subclass of Circumstance" should be "There is a single subclass of Situation".
  • Page 282, first paragraph. The text "have been modelled as a compound convention" should be "have been modelled as a compound norm".
  • Page 298, second paragraph. The text "shows an overview of valorizations in CHARM" should be "shows an overview of derived entities in CHARM".
  • Page 300, first paragraph. The text "Examples of cultural places may include" should be "Examples of cultural landscapes may include".
  • Page 352, second paragraph. The text "shows that a new Author class has been created" should be "shows that a new Person class has been created".
  • Page 369, first paragraph. The text "will be ignored during reinterpretation" should be "will be ignored or abstracted during reinterpretation".
  • Page 378, fifth paragraph. The text "An instance of a particular model can always be reinterpreted to conform to the base model" should be "An instance model conforming to a particular model can always be reinterpreted to conform to the base model".
  • Page 393, second paragraph. The text "leaves out the Style attribute, as it has a greater than zero maximum cardinality" should be "leaves out the Style attribute, as it has a greater than one maximum cardinality".
  • Page 401, fifth paragraph. The text "defined as foreign keys to the classes connected by the association" should be "defined as foreign keys to the class-tables corresponding to the classes connected by the association".
  • Page 421, top figure. The text "[Occupies]" should be "[Uses]", two occurrences.
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